Giving to Church of St. Augustine and St. Martin
We are grateful to have the financial support of our parishioners as well as friends of the church.
Pledging: If you would like to make a commitment to regular support of our parish, please fill out a pledge form and return it to the church by mail or email to [email protected]. A link to the form is here
How to Give:
By mail
Mail your check to Church of St. Augustine and St. Martin
31 Lenox Street
Boston, MA 02118
If you want to direct your gift to a specific appeal, put a note in the memo line to help us put it in the right place.
If it is a pledge be sure to put "2021 pledge" on the memo line
Automatic Bill Pay
Set up a recurring payment through your bank.
Add Church of St. Augustine and St. Martin to your bill paying service using the address above.
Many people are now using the CashApp application on their smart phones.
This secure platform is designed to allow you to make donations by transferring money quickly and easily.
Our CashApp cashtag is $twosaintsAM
Be sure to indicate if your gift should go to your annual pledge or make another specific designation.
Make a donation through Paypal HERE
Note: Please consider donating an extra 3% to cover transaction fees from Pay Pal
Planned Giving
There are several options for making a planned gift that could provide tax benefits. You should consult with your attorney or financial advisor for guidance in determining the planned gift approach that is right for you and your family. Here are some options to consider.
Gift from Retirement Plans
The simplest planned gift of all, and the most tax-efficient, is made from a tax-deferred retirement plan: 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans and individual retirement accounts (IRAs). Left as part of an estate, tax-deferred assets will be subject to income tax and possibly other forms of taxation. Where qualified, however, naming the Church of St. Augustine and St. Martin, Boston, Massachusetts as a beneficiary of a retirement plan allows the gift to pass directly to the parish free of any taxes. This is also one of the easiest gifts to put in place. In most instances, simply go to the website of the trustee or custodian of the plan and change the beneficiary designation. Like a bequest from a will or trust, the gift may be a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the plan assets. Please consider sending us a copy of your beneficiary form for our records
Gift By Will
Bequests by will to the church are exempt from federal and most state inheritance taxes. With a gift by will, your total estate value is reduced by the amount of your planned gift, reducing your overall estate tax. By your will (which you may change by a codicil) or your revocable trust (which you may change by an amendment), you can make Church of St. Augustine and St. Martin the beneficiary of cash, securities, and/or other property. You may designate by a specific amount or a percentage of your estate, or you may make the church a residual beneficiary of your will or trust; that is, a recipient of some part of the balance after payment of specific bequests, expenses, and taxes. Your legal counsel can help you decide language to suit your specific purposes. If you wish to include Church of St. Augustine and St. Martin in your will, it would be helpful to have a copy of that portion of your will for our records.